Just Cause 3 New York Comic Con "On a Mission" trailer

Together with the opening of New York Comic Con this week, Square Enix and Avalanche Studios have released a new trailer showing off the sandbox oddities into missions of Just Cause 3.

In this mission, Rico must protect the town of Costa Del Porto from the General’s tanks before breaking his friend Mario out of prison and escorting him to safety. Di Ravello believes the odds are stacked in his favor, but with Rico the General may have bitten off more than he can chew.

Just Cause 3 launches on December 1st in North America for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

About the Author

Erren Van Duine As a self-professed Final Fantasy fan, Erren created Nova Crystallis in 2009 as a place to collect the latest information on her favorite series. As owner and Editor-in-Chief, she also spends her time as a freelance illustrator.
