Final Fantasy XV's Cross-Link system has been overhauled for the final release

Final fantasy XV’s Cross-Link system – pictured above and featured prominently in Episode Duscae 2.0 with a yellow circle – has been overhauled, in a new message listed and unofficially translated over on the game’s official forums in response to Japanese fan questions.

According to Game Design Section Manager Ken’ichi Shida, “The cross-link tempo has been improved from the demo, and execution is now more nimble. Ways of triggering the Cross-Link are different from the demo and have improved. The cross-link system was overhauled for the purposes of the finalized version’s release.

“In addition, “Slash Link” coordination, as well as a hitherto unannounced system, exists, and these are triggered under different conditions from Cross-Link. These link systems are the bread and butter of XV’s friend co-op party battles, so the development team will be polishing these systems up until the moment that the finalized version of the game is released.”

Final Fantasy XV is set to release in 2016 with a final release date scheduled to be revealed at an event in March.

About the Author

Erren Van Duine As a self-professed Final Fantasy fan, Erren created Nova Crystallis in 2009 as a place to collect the latest information on her favorite series. As owner and Editor-in-Chief, she also spends her time as a freelance illustrator.
