The Primals rock out in a new music video featuring Final Fantasy XIV's "Locus"

Square Enx has released a new video featuring The Primals – Final Fantasy XIV‘s exclusive rock band set to release their latest album on December 7. The video features the song “Locus,” which was introduced during the Alexander series of high-end raids.

The new album, titled “Duality,” goes on sale starting December 7 for 4,000 yen (approx. $39) and features an in-game item bonus code for an Orchestrion roll. Square Enix has opened the official soundtrack page for the release, featuring other tracks from the CD including a new version of Sephirot’s theme – “Fiend” and King Thordan’s theme “Heroes.”

About the Author

Erren Van Duine As a self-professed Final Fantasy fan, Erren created Nova Crystallis in 2009 as a place to collect the latest information on her favorite series. As owner and Editor-in-Chief, she also spends her time as a freelance illustrator.
