Play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn for free this weekend

Now’s a good time as any to return to Final Fantasy XIV, should you have been there before and now gone. Starting tomorrow from January 11th through the 13th at 8:00 GMT players who purchased and registered a copy of Final Fantasy XIV with inactive accounts (including those from 1.0) can play during this campaign period.

The purpose of this event is to let fans have a taste of the new 2.1 patch content, which was released this past December. In addition to new scenario content, 2.1 offers a brand-new 24-man raid in the Labyrinth of the Ancients leading up to the inevitable Crystal Tower, as well as Player versus Player matches, new Extreme Mode primal battles, daily beastman quests and other fine tuning to the world of Eorzea.

Patch 2.1 really offers a taste of what is yet to come. Square Enix plans on releasing even more content in a few months – including the PlayStation 4 version of the game, which starts its beta on February 22nd.

About the Author

Erren Van Duine As a self-professed Final Fantasy fan, Erren created Nova Crystallis in 2009 as a place to collect the latest information on her favorite series. As owner and Editor-in-Chief, she also spends her time as a freelance illustrator.
